“The confidence I acquired at Neway Directions has increased both my motivation and success tenfold”, exclaims Jennifer Bahr, our November Student Spotlight.
Jennifer uses the employment services offered and has received the skills she needed to achieve her career. She proudly told us how she went from having no job-related skills in her career of choice to landing an interview which ultimately got her hired!
At Neway Directions, Jennifer received help in everything ranging from data entry to interviewing. She says that this training helped make her a more desirable employee. Jennifer told us that she had wished her counselor would have sent her to Neway Directions sooner.
The lessons learned at Neway Directions aside, Jennifer’s persistence led her to success. She advises anyone considering attending Neway Directions to take advantage of everything offered and to be at the facility as much as possible. She states, “it makes a big difference.”
Neway Directions proudly strives to assist in more success stories like Jennifer’s.